Benefits of drinking more water

Every organ in our bodies needs water to function efficiently, and approximately 60% of our bodies are made up of water, making water a vital nutrient. Some of the roles of water include regulating our internal body temperature, forming saliva, sweat and tears, acting as a shock absorber for the brain and spinal cord, lubricating joints, flushing waste through the body and producing urine and helping to metabolise and transport carbohydrates and proteins in our bodies. 

You will struggle to find a healthier drink around, so here are my top 10 reasons to drink more water! If you find it boring, add some lemon and other fresh fruit to give it a bit of flavour.

  1. Help promote weight loss. It fills up your stomach making you less likely to pig out at meal times and reduces your hunger levels. It can also help remove by-products of fat and boost your metabolism, whist containing absolutely zero calories! Dehydration has also been shown to increase the hormone cortisol by 1-2%, which promotes increased storage of fat and breakdown of muscles.
  2. Makes you feel more energised. Feeling tired is often as a result of dehydration, causing the body to work less efficiently. Dehydration can lead to lower blood volume, which itself can lead to the heart being required to work harder as a result.
  3. Maintains the balance of body fluids. Drinking sufficient levels of water helps to maintain the pH balance in the body.
  4. Helps keep skin clear. Drinking plenty of water allows the body to flush out toxins that can contribute to clogged pores and acne, leaving skin clear.
  5. Treat headaches. Headaches also often occur as a result of dehydration, so if you suffer from frequent headaches, it could be in your interest to determine whether dehydration is the cause.
  6. Helps aid digestion and prevent constipation. Water helps the gastrointestinal tract function effectively, which aids digestion, and prevents against constipation.
  7. Help prevent cardiovascular disorders. Researchers have shown that women drinking 2 or less glasses of water a day increased their risk of a fatal heart attack by 147%, compared with women who drank 5 or more glasses of water a day. Dehydration can increase blood viscosity, plasma viscosity, fibrinogen and hematocrit, which can make the blood thicker, and increase your risk of a heart attack. 
  8. Reduces the risk of osteoporosis. An increase in cortisol as a result of dehydration can also accelerate bone loss. 
  9. Fuel for muscles. Workouts cause muscles to lose water as sweat, which can leave muscles feeling tired. Drinking water throughout your workout will help you and your muscles complete that final set! 
  10. Help kidney function. Kidneys require water to help remove waste in the body.


Top tips to drink more water: 

  1. Set a phone reminder to tell you when  to drink a glass of water. 
  2. Add fruit to your water to add some flavour. 
  3. Drink a glass of water before each meal (this should also help you to eat less). 
  4. Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables that are rich with water (e.g melon, cucumber, peaches, raspberries, strawberries, celery, lettuce, tomatoes). 
  5. Always keep a bottle of water with you when you are working out. 
  6. Image result for waterImage result for drinking water





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