Healthy breakfast ideas

Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day! High protein breakfasts are the best way to boost your metabolism in the morning and help keep you full until lunchtime. Here are some of my favourite healthy breakfasts in the morning.

  1. Greek yogurt with banana, a handful of berries and a sprinkle of granola. Personally I like to use full fat greek yogurt as low fat versions usually contain more sugar plus they don’t taste half as nice! I usually buy frozen berries which I defrost in the fridge overnight as they are much cheaper!Image result for berries and yogurt
  2. Raspberry smothie bowl. I love smoothie bowls, as they not only look good, but taste amazing! I use a couple of cups of frozen raspberries with a tablespoon of greek yogurt and a splash of milk. Blitz this up and top with whatever you fancy- I like a handful of blueberries and a sprinkle of granola!Image result for raspberry smoothie bowl
  3. Slice of wholemeal toast with avocado and 2 poached eggs, a squeeze of lime and a sprinkle of chilli flakes. Avocado is a great source of healthy fats, and the eggs provide a healthy dose of protein in the morning!Image result for avo and eggs on toast chili flakes
  4. Peanut butter and banana on wholemeal toast. Peanut butter is a great source of protein and bananas will provide you with carbohydrates to give you a boost of energy. Related image
  5. Porridge topped with blueberries nuts and a swirl of honey. Oats are a great source of slow-release energy, blueberries are packed full of antioxidants and honey is a healthier alternative to sugar or golden syrup for sweetness.Image result for porridge blueberries
  6. Chocolate overnight oats. Make this the night before for a quick breakfast containing 21g protein and 6g fibre. Mix 1 cup milk (whichever you prefer), 1 cup oats, 1 scoop chocolate protein powder,  1tbsp maple syrup and 1/2 tsp vanilla extract and refrigerate overnight. Top in the morning with blueberries and raspberries. Related image
  7. Eggs baked in pepper cups. A nice simple breakfast that can be cooked in 5 mins.

Image result for eggs in peppers


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