Full body workout

Here is my favourite full body workout to get all the muscles in your body working! Beginners do 1 set of each, intermediates 2 sets and if you’re feeling brave advanced do 3 sets! For these exercises I use the help of 2x1kg weights and 2x5kg weights to add some resistance to some of the exercises but they are optional! If you don’t have weights but want to add resistance, improvise- a tin of baked beans or water bottles make good makeshift weights!

Leg Workout: 

10 squats no weight

10 squats with 1 kg weights in each hand

10 squats with 5kg weights in each hand

Image result for squats





10 fire hydrants on each leg

Image result for fire hydrants exercise





10 donkey kicks on each leg
Image result for donkey kicks





10 lunges on each leg

Image result for lunges

Ab Workout:

10 crunches

Image result for crunches





10 Russian twists with one 5 kg weight

Image result for russian twist





10 leg raises

Image result for reverse crunch





10 bicycles

Image result for bicycles exercise






10 reverse crunches
Image result for reverse crunches





10 heel touches
Image result for ab exercises touch feet





Arm Workout:

10 bicep curls with 5 kg weights in each hand

Image result for bicep curls

10 shoulder press with 5kg weights in each hand
Image result for shoulder press





10 bent over rows with 5kg in each hand

Image result for bent over row





10 bent over raises with 1kg in each hand


Image result for bent over raises





10 push-ups

Image result for push ups

10 tricep dips

Image result for tricep dips

All these exercises can be done at home or at the gym- enjoy!


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