8 Super Foods to add to your diet

Here is a list of 8 healthy super foods that you should aim to incorporate into your diet, and why I think they are so fab.

  1. Spinach. One of the best leafy vegetables going, spinach is packed full of folate, potassium, magnesium. Spinach has been shown to improve eyesight, promote a healthy blood pressure, strengthen muscles, prevent age-related macular degeneration, prevent cataracts and prevent against heart attacks. Spinach has also been shown to have anti-cancer effects. Image result for spinach
  2. Salmon. Packed full of omega 3, salmon can help prevent cardiovascular diseases, metal disorders e.g depression and can help keep hair healthy and shiny. Omega-3 fats are termed ‘essential’ as they cannot be created by the body, and have been shown to decrease inflammation, lowering blood pressure and reducing the risk of cancer. Salmon is also a great source of high-quality protein, helping the body to heal after injury, protecting bone health and maintaining muscle mass. Another benefit is the number of B vitamins, including B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9 and B12, which have a wide variety of roles throughout the body. Salmon has also been shown to regulate hormones which control appetite that help to make you feel full, making you less likely to overeat. Image result for salmon
  3. Avocado. Jam-packed with monounsaturated fats, carotenoids, vitamins A, B, C, K and E, magnesium, potassium, iron, fibre, folate and protein. Avocados contain more potassium than the famous banana, which is important to maintain electrical gradients in the body’s cells and is a nutrient that many people lack. Avocados are quite high in calories and are high fat, which makes many people dubious of their health benefits. However they are full of monounsaturated fatty acids, and the majority of the fat comes in the form of oleic acid. Oleic acid is ‘heart healthy’, which has been linked to reduced inflammation and cancer preventative effects. Related image
  4. Dark chocolate. In moderation, dark chocolate can make a good snack to curb sugar cravings. It contains a relatively high level of fibre, as well as manganese, iron, magnesium, copper, potassium, phosphorus and zinc. Dark chocolate also contains a number of antioxidants, which can help neutralise the effects of free radicals. Image result for dark chocolate
  5. Bananas. High in fibre, they also contain potassium, vitamin B6, vitamin C, magnesium, copper and manganese. Bananas can also help to regulate blood sugar levels and can help to reduce your appetite. Image result for bananas
  6. Brocoli. Great source of vitamin K and vitamin C, as well as fibre, potassium and folate. Brocoli has also been shown to remove oestrogen from the body, which has been shown to reduce the risk of cancer, particularly breast cancer. Image result for broccoli
  7. Quinoa. This supergrain has soared in popularity recently and its not surprising why! First of all quinoa is very protein rich and contains all 9 essential amino acids. It also contains about twice as much fibre as other grains, which helps to relieve constipation, improves heart health and reduces the risk of high blood pressure and diabetes. It also may help you feel fuller for longer, which in the long term can help people to lose weight. Quinoa is also rich in iron, keeping our red blood cells healthy and maintaining brain function. Image result for quinoa
  8. Sweet Potatoes. Firstly, sweet potatoes are high in vitamin B6 which can help to prevent against degenerative diseases including heart attacks. They are also rich in vitamin C, which plays an important role in fighting cold and flu, in bone and tooth formation and in digestion. Similarly, they are also rich in vitamin D, which also helps to build healthy bones. Sweet potatoes are also high in carotenoids, such as beta carotene, which give them their orange colour. These help to protect against the effects of ageing and can help prevent cancer, as well as improving eye sight and boosting our immune system. Image result for sweet potato



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