Stretching: the benefits

Stretching, roll mats and yoga are all the range these days. But for many, stretching can seem time consuming and quite frankly a bit boring. However, it is important to stretch and here are my top reasons why: 

  1. Help maintain good posture. Stretching helps to loosen and lengthen tight muscles, align the spine in a better position and improve overall posture. 
  2. Improves flexibility. A fairly obvious benefit is increased flexibility and an increased range of motion. 
  3. Decreases risk of injury. Stretching helps improve the nutrient supply to muscles, decreasing the risk of injury, and increasing the rate of recovery.  
  4. Increases stamina. Stretching increases blood flow to muscles and decreases muscle fatigue. More efficient oxygen flowing through the blood helps to increase stamina and endurance by delaying the onset of muscle fatigue. 
  5. Reduce next day soreness.  Before and after workout stretches can help the muscles to relax and increase blood flow to muscles, decreasing the ‘next day soreness’ that we have all suffered. 
  6. Increase energy levels. Stretching throughout the day can help to loosen up muscles and give us an energy boost. 


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