My top 50 at home bodyweight/dumbbell exercises

For arms:

  1. Bicep curlsImage result for bicep curls
  2. Hammer curlsImage result for hammer curls
  3. Zottman curls (bicep curl then rotate the dumbbell around at the top before lowering again) Image result for zottman curl
  4. Renegade rowsImage result for renegade row
  5. Shoulder taps Image result for shoulder taps
  6. Thigh taps Image result for thigh taps
  7. Tricep kickback Image result for dumbbell kick back and twist
  8. Tricep extension Image result for tricep extension
  9. Side lateral raise Image result for side lateral raise
  10. Reverse row
  11. Scarecrow
  12. Lying overhead press
  13. Lying chest press
  14. Overhead press
  15. Press ups
  16. Arm circles
  17. Tricep dips
  18. Dumbbell swings
  19. Crunches
  20. Leg raises
  21. Bicycles
  22. Reverse crunches
  23. Heel taps
  24. Side crunches
  25. Knee tucks
  26. Side plank and rotate
  27. Front plank
  28. Commandos
  29. Mountain climbers
  30. Russian twists
  31. Squat + press
  32. Hip raises
  33. Hamstring curl
  34. Lunges with dumbbells
  35. Donkey kicks
  36. Fire hydrants
  37. Lying side leg raises
  38. Weighted squats
  39. Deadlifts
  40. Side squats
  41. Curtsy squats
  42. Hamstring pulses
  43. Bed lunges

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