My top 50 at home bodyweight/dumbbell exercises

For arms: Bicep curls Hammer curls Zottman curls (bicep curl then rotate the dumbbell around at the top before lowering again)  Renegade rows Shoulder taps  Thigh taps  Tricep kickback  Tricep extension  Side lateral raise  Reverse row Scarecrow Lying overhead press Lying chest press Overhead press Press ups Arm circles Tricep dips Dumbbell swings Crunches Leg … More My top 50 at home bodyweight/dumbbell exercises

Benefits of LISS

A lot of people are aware of the benefits of HIIT workouts, which often leads to LISS (low intensity steady state) cardio being overshadowed. LISS cardio has many of its own benefits however, which is why I like to fit a least one session of LISS cardio into my week. Typically, you should perform LISS … More Benefits of LISS

Motivation Corner

Everyone loses motivation from time to time; fitness is not about being perfect every single day, but it is about keeping going when you feel like quitting. Here are some of my favourite quotes to keep you motivated in your workouts!   It’s always important to remember why you started. We have all started our … More Motivation Corner